Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Drama of the Popes and Fatima

On October 13, 1960, Premier Nikita Kruschev boarded an airliner in New York. Sighs of relief were heaved by mission meeting members of an early UN General Assembly, as his craft thundered skyward towards Russia. At one meeting, he was seen by all to reach under the table, coming up with a large shoe. This he banged slowly four times on the table. In the ensuing silence, he spoke these chilling words: "We will bury you". Watch this video to get your very own threat of a communist takeover of our beloved America. Can you feel the shovel? Is Communism coming? What Kruschev said was based on the concluding chapter of the Communist Manifesto. "What the bourgeois produces are its' own grave diggers.

Marxism does not appeal as an ideology of peace on this earth.......nor does its' colleague, Socialism. Well, does it?

So, what has this incident to do with Fatima? For starters, the date. On October 13, 1917, the miracle of Fatima occurred. Warner Brothers even made a movie based upon it, which was very popular. Our Lady had appeared to three little shepherd children for a series of months and promised a miracle at the end, in order to prove to the people that heaven was truly speaking. It was a miracle of biblical proportions, and is described elsewhere within these little blogs.
Seventy Thousand people witnessed, along with the atheistic secular press of Portugal, who believed it.

Our Lady had told the children a secret, which could be revealed to the people around 1960, as its' meaning would be clearer then. She also told them that nations would disappear from the earth, and, that Russia would be heavens' scourge for a sinful generation. She also made a request, which, if granted to her by the Holy Father around 1960, would alleviate the pain and grant peace to the world. All the Popes knew and this apparition was approved by the Catholic Church. A betrayal has occurred somewhere. It is well explained in a new book by Antonio Socci: THE FOURTH SECRET OF FATIMA.

What was the request of Our Lady? That the Pope, together with all the Bishops, consecrate (make holy) the land of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. If this were done, Russia would be converted to Christianity, and, all the world would recognize that it was because of the consecration. Jesus wants His Mothers Immaculate Heart to be honored beside His own Sacred Heart. Then would follow the period of Peace! Imagine the power of a Christian Russia. Poor Russia always had deep spirituality for God until Lenin appeared on the scene. Now they live under the cruel oppressive yoke of atheistic communism. What a small request! What would it take to do it for heavens sake? Yet it is not done........the world is already stained with the red blood of small babies.

Author Antonio Socci wrote about the secret because he could not believe it was not done already. He is a prominent Italian essayist and journalist. He currently directs the 'School of Radio-Television Journalism in Perugia. His well researched book is filled with foot notes and includes the testimony of a still living Cardinal from the inner circle of Pope John XXIII, who opened Vatican II in the early 1960's.

Present Pope Benedict is aware of all this and is even a friend of Socci. Socci received a letter from this Pope thanking him for "the sentiments expressed in this book"....... We don't know what is going on in the Vatican, but, we don't think it's 'good' after reading the statement of Father Gabriel Amorth, the Vatican's chief exorcist, that "demonic activity is rampant in Rome."

Socci's book can be obtained at: Loreto Publications
PO Box 603

Fitzwilliam, N.H. 03470 Tel 603 239 6671

Why isn't the consecration done? We think the Pope needs many prayers and we ask you, dear reader to pray for him too. He himself asked for prayers that he "not flee from the wolves surrounding him"

A quote from Hamish Fraser
"It seems to me that this is the first time Heaven has warned the world of its partial destruction since Our Lord predicted at Jerusalem the chastisement that was threatening it. We are perfectly free to disregard this appeal, but if that should happen, then God have mercy on us all"

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